It’s the Day of the Show: Your Comprehensive Packing List

Everything you need for the trade show floor in 8 categories; Booth setup materials, Product displays and samples, Technology and equipment, Marketing materials, Promotional items and giveaways, Staff essentials, Networking tools, Health and safety supplies.

Booth Setup Materials: Design and Aesthetics

The physical setup of your booth is instrumental in attracting attendees. This includes your booth’s display and backdrop, signage and branding elements, and tables and chairs. Tablecloth and booth decorations also play a significant role in enhancing your booth’s aesthetic appeal and creating an inviting atmosphere.
  • Booth display and backdrop
  • Signage and branding elements
  • Table(s) and chairs
  • Tablecloth and booth decorations
Blurred People at Tradeshow

Product Displays and Samples: Showcase Your Innovations

To captivate attendees’ attention, have product samples and prototypes available for display. Display stands or shelves, brochures or catalogs can significantly enhance your products’ presentation and provide visitors with valuable information.

  • Product samples and prototypes
  • Display stands or shelves
  • Brochures or catalogs

Technology and Equipment: Stay Connected

In the era of digital technology, having a robust technological setup is paramount. This includes audiovisual equipment, laptops or tablets, charging cables, power strips, and extension cords. Wi-Fi access is also essential for live demonstrations and maintaining communication with your team.

  • Audiovisual equipment (e.g., monitors, projectors, speakers)
  • Laptops or tablets
  • Charging cables, power strips, and extension cords
  • Wi-Fi access and login information

Marketing Materials: Spread the Word

Marketing materials such as business cards, flyers, brochures, postcards, and digital media (e.g., promotional videos, slide presentations) are vital tools for sharing information about your products and your company.

  • Business cards
  • Flyers, brochures, or postcards
  • Digital media (e.g., promotional videos, slide presentations)

Promotional Items and Giveaways: Attract and Engage

Branded merchandise, raffle prizes, and packaging for giveaway items can attract attendees to your booth and make your company more memorable.

  • Branded merchandise (e.g., pens, notepads, t-shirts)
  • Raffle prizes or contest items
  • Tote bags or packaging for giveaway items

Staff Essentials: Keep Your Team Organized and Energized

Providing name tags, uniforms, schedules, talking points, and food and beverages for your staff helps maintain a professional image and keeps your team organized and energized.

  • Name tags or badges
  • Uniforms or branded attire
  • Schedules and contact information for staff
  • Talking points and product information
  • Food, beverages, and snacks for staff (e.g., bottled water, trail mix)

Networking Tools: Make Lasting Connections

Business cards, a well-prepared elevator pitch, and a calendar for scheduling follow-up meetings are vital tools that can help you maximize networking opportunities.

  • Business cards or contact cards
  • Elevator pitch
  • Calendar or appointment book

Health and Safety Supplies: Stay Safe

In the light of recent global events, health and safety precautions have become an essential part of public gatherings. Having supplies such as hand sanitizer, paper towels, face masks (if required), and cleaning supplies for booth maintenance can ensure the safety and well-being of both your team and the visitors.

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Paper towels
  • Face masks (if required)
  • Cleaning supplies for booth maintenance

Miscellaneous Items: Be Prepared for Anything

Last but not least, having a toolkit for unexpected situations is always a good idea. This includes items like tape, scissors, a screwdriver, zip ties, a box cutter, safety pins, rubber bands, paper clips, extra batteries or chargers, trash bags, and storage containers or boxes for materials.

  • Toolkit (e.g., tape, scissors, screwdriver, zip ties, box cutter)
  • Duct tape
  • Safety pins
  • Rubber bands
  • Paper clips
  • Extra batteries or chargers
  • Trash bags
  • Storage containers or boxes for materials

Before you head out to the show, double-check this list to ensure you have everything needed for a smooth and successful event. By being well-prepared, you can focus on creating lasting connections and generating new leads for your business.

blurred people exhibition expo hall
Category Items
Booth setup materials a. Booth display and backdrop
b. Signage and branding elements
c. Table(s) and chairs
d. Tablecloth and booth decorations
Product displays and samples a. Product samples and prototypes
b. Display stands or shelves
c. Brochures or catalogs
Technology and equipment a. Audiovisual equipment (e.g., monitors, projectors, speakers)
b. Laptops or tablets
c. Charging cables, power strips, and extension cords
d. Wi-Fi access and login information
Marketing materials a. Business cards
b. Flyers, brochures, or postcards
c. Digital media (e.g., promotional videos, slide presentations)
Promotional items and giveaways a. Branded merchandise (e.g., pens, notepads, t-shirts)
b. Raffle prizes or contest items
c. Tote bags or packaging for giveaway items
Staff essentials a. Name tags or badges
b. Uniforms or branded attire
c. Schedules and contact information for staff
d. Talking points and product information
e. Food, beverages, and snacks for staff (e.g., bottled water, trail mix)
Networking tools a. Business cards or contact cards
b. Elevator pitch
c. Calendar or appointment book
Health and safety supplies a. Hand sanitizer
b. Paper towels
c. Face masks (if required)
d. Cleaning supplies for booth maintenance
Miscellaneous items a. Toolkit (e.g., tape, scissors, screwdriver, zip ties, box cutter)
b. Duct tape
c. Safety pins
d. Rubber bands
e. Paper clips
f. Extra batteries or chargers
g. Trash bags
h. Storage containers or boxes for materials
Day of the Show Packing List